FTP upload with ANT


Problem: After a build, you may want to upload the deploy-able files to an FTP server.
Here’s how to upload, let’s say, some SQL update scripts to the FTP server, with ANT:

Ant Ftp Upload

We test to see if the property ftp.upload.sqlUpdates.folder is set; the value for it will contain the folder from where to do the upload of the SQL scripts; this property can be set in any property file that should be updated per each build.

Also, for this to work, you’ll need to add to your ANT library or MAVEN dependencies 2 new JAR files:
Jakarta Oro
Commons Net

Ant Ftp settings

As for the rest, the properties for the FTP (server, user, password, upload folder) can be declared in a simple property file, which should not be included in the final build.

Because I’m lazy and/or I don’t have time to format the code, above is a screenshot for clarity, below is the code for whoever needs it.

    <target name=”ftp-sql-upload.test.if.set”>
        <condition property=”ftp-sql-upload.is.set” value=”true” else=”false”>
                <equals arg1=”${ftp.upload.sqlUpdates.folder}” arg2=””
                    forcestring=”true” />
    <target name=”ftp-sql-upload”
            server=”${ftp.upload.server}” remotedir=”${ftp.upload.remote.dir}”
            userid=”${ftp.upload.user}” password=”${ftp.upload.password}”
            action=”send” verbose=”yes” depends=”yes”>
            <fileset dir=”${ftp.upload.sqlUpdates.folder}”>
                <include name=”**/*.sql” />

Note 1: Credits go to StackOverflow, IT blogs and alike, sites that helped me with the code when searching for solutions.
Note 2: Be aware that when copy-pasting, the quotes and possibly other characters get messed up by WordPress, you’ll have to replace them.

Using JAXB in Eclipse for XML de/serialization


I was looking for a simple, straightforward tutorial on how to use JAXB (Java Architecture for XML Binding) with Eclipse, as myself am kind of newbie to Java, although worked some time ago with this programming language. So, here it is some example that I hope will help some other programmer when trying to serialize objects to XML:

Step 1: Install JAXB plugin for Eclipse, named XJC

For this, download the latest version of the JAXB XJC generator plugin; copy the content of the archive into the %Eclipse_Folder%/plugins folder. Restart Eclipse if required.

Step 2: Create a new Eclipse project as shown bellow (I called it DrawGraph, as it handles nodes and edges of a graph):

DrawGraph project

Step 3: Add a new folder under src directory, called xsd; under this folder, create a new XML Schema file, using Eclipse wizard. The content of the file is displayed below:

BaseGraph.xsd file

As you can see, the BaseGraph.xsd file defines restrictions on how to format an XML file that will represent a graph object containing vertices/nodes and edges/lines; the graph will contain a list of nodes and one of lines, and also a start and end node, if necessary.

Step 4: Run XJC plugin in order to generate Java classes associated with the business objects described by the XML schema. This is done by using the context menu of the BaseGraph.xsd file:

Run XJC plugin

After setting the Package name (drawgraph.objects in my case) and the Output directory (for my project I used D:\Work\Java\Projects\DrawGraph\src), if the xsd is well defined, the plugin will generate six classes under drawgraph.objects package:

  • BaseGraph.java – the graph object containing the list of lines and nodes
  • Line.java – the line/edge object
  • LineList.java – an object containing a list with lines/edges
  • Node.java – the node/vertex object
  • NodeList.java – an object containing a list with nodes/vertices
  • ObjectFactory.java – class for creating the upper-mentioned class instances

If you’d like to run the XJC from the command line, you can try something like:

xjc -p outputFolder BaseGraph.xsd

Step 5: Use JAXBContext, Marshaller and Unmarshaller classes from javax.xml.bind.* package in order to serialize/deserialize to/from XML file. In my case, I extended BaseGraph.java class by implementing Graph.java, which contains the marshalling and unmarshalling methods (and some other extra methods, for handling graph entities), as presented below:

package drawgraph.objects;

import java.io.*;
import java.util.List;
import javax.xml.bind.*;

public class Graph extends BaseGraph

    protected ObjectFactory objectFactory = new objectFactory();

    public Graph() {
    public Graph(BaseGraph baseGraph) {
    public List getLines() {
        return this.getLineList().getLineList();
    public List getNodes() {
        return this.getNodeList().getNodeList();
    public void addNode(int x, int y) {
        Node node = objectFactory.createNode();
    public void addLine(int start, int end) {
        Line line = objectFactory.createLine();
    public void marshalToFile(String fileName) {
        try {
            JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(“drawgraph.objects”);
            Marshaller m = jc.createMarshaller();
            m.marshal( this, new FileOutputStream(fileName) );
        } catch (Exception e) {
    public static Graph unmarshalFromFile(String fileName) {
        try {
            JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance(“drawgraph.objects”);
            Unmarshaller um = jc.createUnmarshaller();
            BaseGraph baseGraph = (BaseGraph) um.unmarshal(new File(fileName));
            return new Graph(baseGraph);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            return new Graph();

Step 6:Test the marshalling and unmarshalling, using JUnit capabilities (or just test 🙂 ):

package drawgraph.objects;

import org.junit.*;
import static org.junit.Assert.*;

public class GraphTest {
    Graph graph;
    public void test_graph() {
        Graph secondGraph = Graph.unmarshalFromFile(“graphOutput.xml”);
        assertTrue(secondGraph.getLines().size() == 2);
        assertTrue(secondGraph.getNodes().size() == 3);
    private void createGraph() {
        graph = new Graph();
        graph.addNode(50, 50);
        graph.addNode(100, 100);
        graph.addNode(50, 100);
        graph.addLine(1, 2);
        graph.addLine(2, 3);